The weekend for the Davis family was un-eventful... for once! It was so nice to do nothing. It rained all day Saturday, and all day Sunday. As much as Jon and I like to get out of the house on his days off, I think we both enjoyed the jammie day that we had. The past few weeks, we have had a full house with family that came to stay with us for the 4th of July. It was an absolutely amazing time, and my parents and I are talking about making it a yearly family reunion for my brothers, sister and I. I wish that I could have had my whole family together. My cousin and his wife, and 2 little boys drove in from TN. I think that everyone had a good time.
We have a massive backyard, and in the back corner of the lot, it kind of dips in. With all of the rain that we had in 2 days, we had a nature made swimming pool! So on Sunday, we decided to go play in the rain. Ty and the dogs (Riley especially) had so much fun. By the time we were done playing, Jon and I, Ty, and both dogs were completely soaked. It was such a blast though. It had been 3 weeks since it was just our small family of 4, and it was nice to get that back.
Bryces new "thing" this week, is he schrunches his nose, and breathes in and out. It is the cutest thing ever, and everytime he does it, Jon, Ty, and I can't stop laughing. his personality is coming on stronger and stronger everyday, and the 3 of us love watching our baby grow. As much as I enjoy the changes he is growing through in his short life, I am so sad. I look at him and Ty, and wish they could stay where they are forever. It really is so true... They really do grow to fast.